《萨福日记》(Sappho’s Journal)是一部cc协议下的作品,作者是美国畅销书作家保罗•亚历山大•巴特利特(Paul Alexander Bartlett,1909-1990),以古希腊著名女诗人萨福为原型创作而成。
“In Sappho’s Journal, the author brings the famous Greek poet Sappho back to life in a finely crafted novel that reveals her sense of beauty, her loves, her reflections, her inner world. Based on a careful study of ancient Greece and Sappho’s surviving fragments of poetry, Bartlett recreates Sappho in a lyrical account of the life, passion, fears, and faith of this remarkable woman whose intimate journal takes us back to 642 B.C. The book includes a Foreword by the well-known Sappho scholar and translator Willis Barnstone.”
在它的前言上,美国诗人威利斯•巴恩斯托恩(Willis Barnstone)更是结合自己的萨福诗篇翻译经验,盛赞它是一部“大师之作”:
“Paul Alexander Bartlett’s journal of Sappho is a masterful work. I had recently completed a translation of the extant lines of Sappho and am familiar with his problems. He was faced with the almost impossible task of reconstructing the personality of Sappho and her background in ancient Lesbos. To my happy surprise he did so, in a work which is at once poetic, dramatic and powerful. In Sappho’s Journal he does more than create a vague illusion of the past. He conveys the character of real people, their interior life and outer world. A mature artist, he writes with ease and taste.”
注:知识共享协议(Creative Commons)下的图书。知识共享提供多种可供选择的授权形式及条款组合,创作者可与大众分享创作,授予其他人再传播的权利,却又能保留某些权利。如劳伦斯·莱斯格的全部作品(每本书的授权形式并不相同)。详情参见http://creativecommons.org/。