1.who had sought refuge from Pizarro and the Spanish conquerors of Peru in the Andes between the Apurimac and Urubamba rivers.这句不少同学意思翻反了,原因是没有掌握refuge from的含义,refuge from sb/sth 意思是“躲避sb/sth”,因此可翻译为:他们来到阿普里马克和乌鲁邦巴河之间的安第斯山脉寻求庇护,以躲避皮萨罗及秘鲁的西班牙征服者。
2.……decided me in favor of an overland journey to Lima 其中“in favor of” means“support/approval for something such as a plan, idea or system”在这句话中可以翻译出来也可以不翻译出来
3.the Peruvian authorities 秘鲁政府或秘鲁当局
4.It is much to be desired that the elevation of the most prominent peaks of the western or coast range of Peru be accurately determined. “It is much to be desired that”为固定句型,意思是“……远远不尽如人意”,因此可译为:说起秘鲁西部或海滨山脉那些最著名的山峰,它们的海拔数据远远不够精确。
5.the 73d meridian west of Greenwich格林威治以西73°子午线或西经73°
6.above the swirling waters of the “great speaker.” 这里的“great speaker”在翻译时会有点匪夷所思,以为是作者运用的比喻修辞手法。其实这里面有一个背景知识:阿普里马克大区(Departamento de Apurímac)是秘鲁南部的一个大区,位于安第斯山脉,区名是克丘亚语,意思是“众神说话的地方”,形容当地的高山。因此也就不难理解为什么作者在这里用“great speaker”指代the Apurimac Valley了吧~
7.To add to my unrest, during the following summer I read Bandelier's “Titicaca and Koati,” 这句可直译为“为了迎合我那颗躁动的心,之后的这个夏天,我阅读了……”,或意译为“那个夏天我读了……后,心绪更加难平。”
8.a few words in regard to this feature of our equipment may not be unwelcome. 提一下xx设备也不为过吧
9.give us tantalizing glimpses of snow-covered mountains 此处 “tantalizing glimpses” 不妨意译为惊鸿一瞥
10.book by the late E. George Squier,此处late+noun. means dead 已故的; 背景知识:Ephraim George Squier (June 17, 1821 – April 17, 1888) was an American archaeologist and newspaper editor,according to wikipedia
11.The prefect insisted that the ruins represented the residence of the Inca Manco and his sons,……有些同学把Prefect 看成了 perfect,自然就译错啦,prefect 此处可译为省长或当地长官