
喜欢大红色的小贱人 2014年9月22日 21:09
非常感谢大家参与《交际花回忆录》试译!每一份试译稿我都认真地审阅了,并且用“挑错”的方式为大家指出了一些不足,如果大家有任何疑问,欢迎随时私信我。下面,我总结一下这次试译中,一些普遍的问题。 1.有些译者比较粗心,把克雷文伯爵译成了侯爵。 2.Whether it was love, or the severity of my father, the depravity of my own heart, or the winning arts of the noble lord, which induced me to leave my paternal roof and place myself under his protection, does not now much signify. 许多人对winning arts理解有误,这里是说,克雷文谈情说爱的技巧比较高超,用了一些手段,诱使哈里特离开了父亲家。 3. or, if it does, I am not in the humour to gratify curiosity in this matter. Gratify curiosity是说满足别人的好奇心。有些译者译成了“激起好奇心”。 4. I resided on the Marine Parade at Brighton, and I remember that Lord Craven used to draw cocoa trees, and his fellows as he called them, on the best vellum paper for my amusement. 对于这句话,不少译者都理解成了克雷文在纸上画可可树,并且把可可树称为“伙伴”。Craven used to draw cocoa trees and his fellows这句话就是说克雷文伯爵画可可树和他的同伴们,his fellows as he called them是说,被他称为“同伴”的,其实是他的战友(大家可以去google这个人,克雷文是个将军)。 5. "Here stood the enemy," he would say, "and here, my love, are my fellows. There the cocoa trees, &c." 有译者不知道&c是什么,其实&c就是etc.的另一种写法,表示“等等、诸如此类”。 6. "O Lord! O Lord! Craven has got me into the West Indies again." 这一句的问题主要在于got怎么翻译,大部分译者都用了“弄去”“带去”等等一类的词,如果不看上下文的话,这样很容易误导读者,让人误以为哈里特真的睡了一觉,醒来就发现自己被带到西印度群岛了。其实这里就是汉语里经常说的“克雷文又把我催眠到西印度群岛去了。” 7. In short I soon found that I had made but a bad speculation, by going from my father to Lord Craven. 对这句话的理解比较离谱的,是说哈里特误把她的父亲当成了克雷文。Going from my father to Lord Craven是指离开父亲、投向克雷文,整句的意思是,总是,没过多久,我就发现,离开父亲、投向克雷文是个错误的决定。 8. How indeed could I do otherwise, when the Honourable Frederick Lamb was my constant visitor, and talked to me of nothing else? 这句话的问题在于,有译者误以为弗雷德里克来看哈里特就是为了说服她跟自己在一起,其实不是这样的。弗雷德里克只是来不断劝说哈里特,忠于克雷文是世界上最傻的事情,除此之外,弗雷德里克就没什么别的话题了。 9. I firmly believe that Frederick Lamb sincerely loved me, and deeply regretted that he had no fortune to invite me to share with him. Fortune是财产的意思,had no fortune是说没钱,意思是,弗雷德里克很遗憾没钱让我跟他一起过上好日子。 10. Lord Melbourne, his father, was a good man. Good是个很空泛的词,虽然可以直译为“好人”,但是最好是加上自己的理解,后面讲到了哈里特不喜欢的一类爱说教的父亲,这里可以考虑把good译为“爱说教”这类词的反义词。 11. Quite the contrary, he congratulated his son on the lucky circumstance of his friend Craven having such a fine girl with him. 相反,他祝贺自己的儿子,在克雷文那里能结识这样的好女孩。 12. The girl must be mad! She looks mad. Mad除了表示生气,还表示疯,这里是说,墨尔本看到哈里特在街上蹦蹦跳跳,像是疯疯癫癫的样子。 13. "Surely," I would say, "all men do not wear those shocking nightcaps; else all women's illusions had been destroyed on the first night of their marriage!" Not 和all 连用表示部分否定,因此,这句话的意思是“不是所有的男人都会戴这种丑陋的棉睡帽”。 14. I received an answer nearly to this effect. 这句话是说,我收到的回信大意如下。
