
linda10030 2013年6月28日 15:39
船女 驳船阿拉贝拉号的船长坐在船尾,右臂搭在船舵上。几码之外,一艘纵帆船的大副从船舷探出身子,与船长有一搭没一搭地聊着天,谈话因二人在宗教信仰上的意见不一而告终。船长辩论得热火朝天,以至于他差点儿就认为自己已经从母亲那儿天生继承了以星期六为安息日的浸信会教义,而大副对于卫斯理宗教教义的强烈鼓吹亦令他大吃一惊,即便是同宗信徒,恐怕也会被大副惊得目瞪口呆。此外,大副还称呼他为“莽夫”,这更让船长确信了其行事不当;那一刻,浸信会的阵营即便没有新增一名信徒,也增加了一位拥护者。 宗教辩论的影响在船长心头挥之不去。漫漫夏日过后,夜幕降临了。船长开始纳闷,自己的大副,也就是自己的妹夫此时在干嘛。刚刚还与暮光争辉的灯火此刻烧得明亮炽烈,船长从暗处走上甲板,来到灯光之下,拿出一块旧银表看了看,已是夜里十点了。 ——By Lindaones
njweili 2013年6月29日 17:41
很多莫名之处 贴出原文来研究研究?
linda10030 2013年6月30日 21:17
回复@njweili:好的,欢迎探讨。 The master of the barge Arabella sat in the stern of his craft with his right arm leaning on the tiller. A desultory conversation with the mate of a schooner, who was hanging over the side of his craft a few yards off, had come to a conclusion owing to a difference of opinion on the subject of religion. The skipper had argued so warmly that he almost fancied he must have inherited the tenets of the Seventh-day Baptists from his mother while the mate had surprised himself by the warmth of his advocacy of a form of Wesleyanism which would have made the members of that sect open their eyes with horror. He had, moreover, confirmed the skipper in the error of his ways by calling him a bargee, the ranks of the Baptists receiving a defender if not a recruit from that hour. With the influence of the religious argument still upon him, the skipper, as the long summer's day gave place to night, fell to wondering where his own mate, who was also his brother-in-law, had got to.
njweili 2013年7月1日 11:09
回复@lindaones:这是看你的译文 感觉到的两处莫名之处 以星期六为安息日的浸信会教义 大副还称呼他为“莽夫” 看了原文 清楚了一些 另外 像 差点儿就认为 天生继承 自己的大副,也就是自己的妹夫 这种地方 或许中文可以再斟酌 surprised himself confirmed …… in …… 的翻译似也可商榷
