
liulianhualuo 2019年9月29日 01:15
liulianhualuo 2019年9月29日 01:19
Three years passed away, and Swithin still remained at the Cape, quietly pursuing the work that had brought him there. His memoranda of observations had accumulated to a wheelbarrow load, and he was beginning to shape them into a treatise which should possess some scientific utility. He had gauged the southern skies with greater results than even he himself had anticipated. Those unfamiliar constellations which, to the casual beholder, are at most a new arrangement of ordinary points of light, were to this professed astronomer, as to his brethren, a far greater matter. It was below the surface that his material lay. There, in regions revealed only to the instrumental observer, were suns of hybrid kind—fire-fogs, floating nuclei, globes that flew in groups like swarms of bees, and other extraordinary sights—which, when decomposed by Swithin’s equatorial, turned out to be the beginning of a new series of phenomena instead of the end of an old one. There were gloomy deserts in those southern skies such as the north shows scarcely an example of; sites set apart for the position of suns which for some unfathomable reason were left uncreated, their places remaining ever since conspicuous by their emptiness. The inspection of these chasms brought him a second pulsation of that old horror which he had used to describe to Viviette as produced in him by bottomlessness in the north heaven. The ghostly finger of limitless vacancy touched him now on the other side. Infinite deeps in the north stellar region had a homely familiarity about them, when compared with infinite deeps in the region of the south pole. This was an even more unknown tract of the unknown. Space here, being less the historic haunt of human thought than overhead at home, seemed to be pervaded with a more lonely loneliness. Were there given on paper to these astronomical exercitations of St. Cleeve a space proportionable to that occupied by his year with Viviette at Welland, this narrative would treble its length; but not a single additional glimpse would be afforded of Swithin in his relations with old emotions. In these experiments with tubes and glasses, important as they were to human intellect, there was little food for the sympathetic instincts which create the changes in a life. That which is the foreground and measuring base of one perspective draught may be the vanishing-point of another perspective draught, while yet they are both draughts of the same thing. Swithin’s doings and discoveries in the southern sidereal system were, no doubt, incidents of the highest importance to him; and yet from an intersocial point of view they served but the humble purpose of killing time, while other doings, more nearly allied to his heart than to his understanding, developed themselves at home. In the intervals between his professional occupations he took walks over the sand-flats near, or among the farms which were gradually overspreading the country in the vicinity of Cape Town. He grew familiar with the outline of Table Mountain, and the fleecy ‘Devil’s Table-Cloth’ which used to settle on its top when the wind was south-east. On these promenades he would more particularly think of Viviette, and of that curious pathetic chapter in his life with her which seemed to have wound itself up and ended for ever. Those scenes were rapidly receding into distance, and the intensity of his sentiment regarding them had proportionately abated. He felt that there had been something wrong therein, and yet he could not exactly define the boundary of the wrong. Viviette’s sad and amazing sequel to that chapter had still a fearful, catastrophic aspect in his eyes; but instead of musing over it and its bearings he shunned the subject, as we shun by night the shady scene of a disaster, and keep to the open road.
liulianhualuo 2019年9月29日 01:21
Aeglos 2019年10月7日 18:14
Aeglos 2019年10月9日 12:46
三年过去了,斯维辛仍然逗留在岬角,静静地追寻着当年召唤他来到这里的事业。他的观测日志日积月累,已经到了一辆独轮车才能装载的规模,他正着手将其整编成一部具有一定科学实用价值的专著。 他观测了南方的星空,结果之精确远超他自己的预期。那些陌生的星座,对于漫不经心的旁观者至多不过是寻常光点的新奇排列,对于他却是兄弟同胞,意义远胜寻常。 他所关注的物质潜藏在表象之下。在那只有借助仪器的观测者方能一窥的领域,是由雾状的火焰、漂浮的原子核、如蜂群般飞舞的球体和其他异象所杂糅而成的恒星。在斯维辛从赤道方向的观测之下,它们显现为一系列新天文现象的开始,而非旧现象的终结。 南方的星空中也有荒芜的黑暗,正如北方星空所差可比拟的那样;天空为恒星留下了空间,但它们却因为神秘莫测的原因而没有被创造出来,于是它们的位置因为空寂而显得越发显眼。 观测这深谷般的黑暗使他心中再次悸动,回忆起了他曾向维薇叶描述过的、旧日北方夜空的无底黑暗在他心中所引燃的恐惧。无垠虚空的幽灵之手如今从另一个方向触碰了他。与南极上空星区的无限深邃相比,北方星区的深邃反倒如家般熟悉。这是未知中更为未知的领域。这里的太空,不像家乡头顶的夜空一样在历史中被人类的思想所萦绕,似乎弥漫着更为寂寥的孤独。 如果在圣克里夫的天文练习纸上,这段时间能和他与维薇叶在威兰共度的那年占成比例的空间,这段叙述本应有三倍的篇幅;但斯维辛不愿再向旧情的纠葛再多瞥哪怕一眼。即便那改变了他的生活的情感本能是如此重要,但他沉浸在镜筒和透镜的实验中,分不出太多心思。正如同一样物体的透视图,在一份图稿里可能是前景和测量基准,在另一份里却是消失点;斯维辛对南方恒星系统的研究和发现对他自己无疑是首要的事务,但在外部社会看来,无非是服务于打发时间这微不足道的目的罢了;而其他更贴近他的心灵而非认知的事,则是完全不为外人所知了。 在专业研究的间隙,斯维辛会在附近的沙滩上散步,或是在岬角镇周边的逐渐向乡间蔓延的农场里漫游。他逐渐熟悉了桌山的轮廓,也熟悉了吹东南季风的时节里,桌山顶上羊毛般轻软的“恶魔桌布”。在这些漫步的地方他尤其容易想起维薇叶,也会想起他生命中与她共度的奇妙而感伤的时光,这段时光似乎在伤到自己后就永远结束了。回忆中的情景迅速地退向远处,其中寄寓的的情感也相应地逐渐淡化。他感到回忆似乎有些失真,却不能清晰地界定失真与切实的部分。维薇叶在那段时光之后的令人悲伤而惊奇的结局在他眼中仍有些悲惨而可怕,但他不再为这结局和其所承载的一切而沉思,他避免去思考这件事,正如我们在夜晚避开翳影幢幢的灾难景象,而留在开阔的大道旁。
