Michael Faraday
Introductory Note
The Forces of Matter
1.The Force of Gravitation
3.Cohesion—Chemical Affinity
4.Chemical Affinity—Heat
6.The Correlation of the Physical Forces
The Chemical History of a Candle
1.A Candle: The Flame—Its Sources—Structure—Mobility—Brightness
2.A Candle: Brightness of the Flames—Air Necessary for Combustion—Production of Water
3.Products: Water from the Combustion—Nature of Water—A Compound—Hydrogen
4.Hydrogen in the Candle—Burns into Water—The Other Part of Water—Oxygen
5.Oxygen Present in the Air—Nature of the Atmosphere—Its Properties—Other Products from the 6.Candle—Carbonic Acid—Its Properties
7.Carbon or Charcoal—Coal-Gas—Respiration and its Analogy to the Burning of a Candle—Conclusion