6.they have even added to that expense by the purchase of a bassinet at one shilling weekly for thirty weeks. The bassinet, however, serves one useful purpose, it saves the expense of a cradle.
这里的问题便是bassinet和cradle的区别。这里有一篇关于两者区别写得较好的文章:http://www.jiancai365.cn/new_view.asp?id=6320。文章提到,“Much of the time, bassinets are made of natural fibers like wicker and tend to be more portable than cradles.”“ Cradles are usually larger than bassinets and more stationary. ” Merriam-Webster将bassinet定义为a baby's basketlike bed (as of wickerwork or plastic) often with a hood over one end;cradle定义为a bed or cot for a baby usually on rockers or pivots。作为参考:bassinet译为摇篮,cradle译为摇床。(如果有从事婴儿用品行业的译者看到此贴,又知道这两个词语在中文语境下更准确的翻译,也请回帖告知,不胜感激!)