A NOT-SO-LONG TIME AGO in a publishing landscape kinda nearby, in a universe before Kindles spat fire, when EPUB was a bar in east London and ‘mobi’ was still a whale, when we carried bound bricks of paper, covers out for everyone on the F Train to see, a time when young girls spinning vampire tales on their blogs had yet to become publishing darlings, before British housewives were unknowingly getting off to Twilight fan fiction, and when we had yet to flip boards, be zite read or book pressed — back in this time, the year of 2010, the iPad emerged and we — Ashley Rawlings and I — ran a Kickstarter campaign to breathe life back into a book called Art Space Tokyo and, oh sweet lord, have things changed.
When we ran our Kickstater campaign, raising $25,000 was a pretty big deal. Now if you don’t hit $100,000 you’re a nobody, and if you don’t amass $1,000,000 you’re not worth blogging about. Crowdfunding went supernova and digital publishing, too, has shifted from a niche backwater to very soon becoming the way most books are sold.1 While it’s easy to see the material changes produced from crowd funding, some of the transitions, foibles and triumphs in publishing might be less obvious.