斯坦福大学计算机博士Philip Guo写的一本关于他的博士经历的小书。读者木遥写到[1]:“这本书虽然文字流畅清通,可是也只是平铺直叙,带着一点儿理科生的刻板气息…即便如此,这本书让我身边每个博士生读完了之后都赞不绝口。”
The Ph.D. Grind, a 122-page e-book, is the first known detailed account of an entire Ph.D. experience. Within its first month of release (July 2012), over 50,000 people—professors, research scientists, current and prospective Ph.D. students, and professionals in a variety of fields—have already read it and collectively sent me hundreds of email responses.
——Author's Summary[2]