
deServian 2013年8月31日 22:44
好像还是不行,我已经找yeeyan进行沟通了,希望能够尽快解决。同时暂时把试译内容贴到这里,已报名但拿不到试译稿的翻er可以暂时使用这个进行翻译,待问题解决之后再贴到网上。 不好意思给大家添麻烦了! THE STORY OF TUAN MAC CAIRILL CHAPTER I Finnian, the Abbott of Moville, went southwards and eastwards in great haste. News had come to him in Donegal that there were yet people in his own province who believed in gods that he did not approve of, and the gods that we do not approve of are treated scurvily, even by saintly men. He was told of a powerful gentleman who observed neither Saint's day nor Sunday. "A powerful person!" said Finnian. "All that," was the reply. "We shall try this person's power," said Finnian. "He is reputed to be a wise and hardy man," said his informant. "We shall test his wisdom and his hardihood." "He is," that gossip whispered—"he is a magician." "I will magician him," cried Finnian angrily. "Where does that man live?" He was informed, and he proceeded to that direction without delay. In no great time he came to the stronghold of the gentleman who followed
deServian 2013年8月31日 22:57
ancient ways, and he demanded admittance in order that he might preach and prove the new God, and exorcise and terrify and banish even the memory of the old one; for to a god grown old Time is as ruthless as to a beggarman grown old. But the Ulster gentleman refused Finnian admittance. He barricaded his house, he shuttered his windows, and in a gloom of indignation and protest he continued the practices of ten thousand years, and would not hearken to Finnian calling at the window or to Time knocking at his door.
