
月亮猴 2013年4月21日 11:51
5. A sharp breeze blew down the street from the river, bearing with it, now and again, the tinkle of sleigh-bells from the Avenue, only fifty yards away. 风吹进教堂所在的这条街street, 雪橇铃声来自50码外的大道 Avenue,。易混淆。 bearing with it 随风传来。 6. The pall-bearers alighted from the carriages which followed, and took up their positions on the sidewalk, while the undertaker's assistants were lifting out the coffin. pall-bearers 抬棺人、护柩者(送葬的,多为死者亲友),从跟着灵车的carriages马车上下来; undertaker's assistants 丧礼承办人的助手、 殡仪员、殡葬工(外面雇的),从灵车里抬出棺材。 7. Then the bareheaded and gray-haired rector came from out the church porch, Rector教区长,从内容判断这座教堂很可能属于美国圣公会,所以译为教区长比“牧师”更准确。 Bareheaded 露着头发(没戴帽子)。译为“光着头”欠佳(不符合中文习惯);“光头、秃头”更不对,人家明明长着gray-hair嘛! 8. He held the prayer-book open in his hand, and when he came to the coffin he began to read the solemn words of the order for the burial of the dead: Prayer-book 祈祷书,内容虽多引用圣经,但不能等同于圣经。 the order for the burial of the dead: 可译为“葬仪祷文”,是祈祷书里的内容 。 9. 最后一句引文出自《约翰福音11:25》,最好直接引用中文合和本,不要自己翻译。
